Feline Exposition prizes and titles
Results 2018
Ilse of Ramazan (brown spotted, owned by Isabel of Barcelona):
Exposition - Madrid (27 and 28 of October 2018)
Feline Exposition Madrid - Spain (27th October 2018):- First day, Exc 1 and Nominated for Best in Show, category 3-6 months. In the final she tied with a Scottish Fold, as there were only 4 judges, they had to draw lots, and luck fell on the Scottish Fold.
Results 2017
Ramazan Ares of Glittersand (brown spotted):
Exposition - Italia (23 April 2017): Best of Best
Exposition Felina San Marino - Italia (26 March 2017): First day, Best in Show, kitten cattegory 3-6 months.
Exposition Felina Internacional San Genesio (Pavia) - Italia (12 March 2017): First day, Best Opposite Sex, 6º in kitten ring.

Ares: 5 months

Ares: 5 months

Ares receiving his prize

Ares receiving his prize
Results 2016
Oasisbengals Ferrari of Ramazan (brown spotted):
- International Feline Exposition of Reus - Tarragona (6 of March 2016): 6 March: Exc 1 Junior and nominated for Best.
Leopardsdeelite Braveheart of Ramazan (brown spotted):
- International Feline Exposition of Reus - Tarragona (6 of March 2016): 6 March: Exc 1 Open class CAC.

Oasisbengals Ferrari of Ramazan

Leopardsdeelite Braveheart of Ramazan
Results 2015
Cashmir of Ramazan of Glittersand (brown spotted, son of Lexxus and Olympia):
- World champion exposition in Giubiasco, Switzerland (22 of November): 22 November: World Champion , he has obtained his title after competing in feline expositions around Europe, el titulo de Campeon del Mundo.
Her owner, Daniele, thanks the judges Y. Melkinova and K. Van Der Wijk for the vote given to Cashmir after competing with another bengal rival.
*Regretfully we have to say goodbye to Cashmir de Ramazan de Glittersand, owned by Natalia, her World Champion breeding stud has passed away due to an unexpected accident. We will keep him in our memory, and we are happy to know that he has left a descendent that will pass on his great legacy and beauty in Italy. *

Cashmir of Ramazan of Glittersand
Results 2014
Julietta of Ramazan (brown spotted, daugher of Maseratti and Giulietta):
International Exposition in Barcelona (October 2014): October 2014: Best in Show in short hair cattegory
Cashmir of Ramazan of Glittersand (brown spotted, son of Lexxus and Olympia):
Princess Feline Awards Exposition in Malta 2014 (13 y 14 December):
- 13 Dic: Nominated BIS, Best Short Hair, Best in Show, Special prize (Best subject), Best of Variety, 3 point for European Champion (CACE), 3rd position in the WCF Ring
- 14 Dic: 1st in the WCF Ring, 1st in the Mastering WCF, 2nd in the Doble Mastering WCF, 1st Special Best Forest Cat, 1st point Grand European Champion, Nomination BIS, Best in Show Short Hair , Best of Variety, Special prize (Best subject)

Cashmir of Ramazan of Glittersand
Dior of Ramazan (brown spotted, daughter of Lexxus and Fantasy):
International Feline Exposition in May (17 y 18) in Vic, Barcelona, 2014: 18 May: Nominated for Best, and Best Opposite Sex Junior
Zeus of Ramazan (brown spotted, son of Giulietta and Maseratti):
International Feline Exposition in May Mayo (17 y 18) in Vic, Barcelona, 2014: 18 May: 1st Excelent Kitten, Nominated for Best in Show

Dior of Ramazan

Zeus of Ramazan

Dior of Ramazan

Zeus of Ramazan
Cashmir of Ramazan of Glittersand (8 months, brown spotted, son of Lexxus and Olympia):
Exposition Italy: 23 February 2014: EXCELENT 1 CAC, nomination for Best in Show, BEST OPPOSITE SEX short hair.
Exposition Italy: 23 September 2014: EXCELENT 1 CACE, nomination for Best in Show.

Cashmir of Ramazan of Glittersand

Cashmir of Ramazan of Glittersand
Results 2013
Escalibur of Ramazan (brown spotted):
International Exposition in Madrid 2013, the World Competition of the Club Felino de Madrid
- 2 November 2013: BEST IN SHOW short hair neutered and has received the title of Gran Campeón Internacional.
- 3 November 2013: BEST IN SHOW short hair neutered and 1st point of European Champion.

Escalibur of Ramazan
Propiedad Roberto of Madrid

Escalibur of Ramazan
Propiedad Roberto of Madrid
Capuccina of Ramazan (brown marble):
International Exposition in Madrid 2013, the World Competition of Club Felino of Madrid
- 2 November 2013: Wins 2nd point of the title World Champion
- 3 November 2013: Wins 3rd point of the title World Champion and Nominated for Best, and wins the prize Best of Variety

Capuccina of Ramazan
Propiedad Roberto of Madrid

Capuccina of Ramazan
Propiedad Roberto of Madrid
Cashmir of Ramazan of Glittersand(brown spotted, daughter of Lexxus and Olympia):
International Feline Exposition in Torino (Italy):
- 12 October: Nominated for BEST IN SHOW in the junior short hair cattegory.
- 13 October: BEST IN SHOW junior short hair, 3rd BEST OF BEST, and ABSOLUTE BEST among kittens and juniors.
Results 2012
Passionata of Ramazan (brown spotted, daughter of Lexxus and Divina):
- World Competition Calella 14 October 2012 / 14 October: 1st Excelent in juniors.
Maseratti of Ramazan (brown spotted, son of Q Factor and Divina):
- World Competition Calella 14 October 2012 / 14 October: 1st Excelent in CAC.

Passionata of Ramazan
Owned by Ramazan

Maseratti of Ramazan
Owned by Ramazan
Escalibur of Ramazan (brown spotted, Grand International Champion (CAGPIB) neutered):
- World Compeition Calella 14 October 2012: Grand International Champion 1st Excelent and Best in Show of short hair neutered.
- World Compeition Calella 13 October 2012: Grand International Champion 1st Excelent.
- Valladolid 27 of February 2011:1 POINT more for National Champion Premior and voted again BEST IN SHOW of breeds of short hair in neutered cattegory.
- Valladolid 26 de Febrero 2011:1 POINT for National Champion Premior and voted BEST IN SHOW of breeds of short hair in neutered cattegory.
- World Exposition Madrid 5-6 November 2011: Day 5 - 1 POINT and Champion of Spain Premior, and BEST IN SHOW of breeds of short hair neutered cattegory. Day 6 - 1 POINT for the next title International Champion Premior, and BEST IN SHOWof breeds of short hair in neutered cattegory.
- Madrid 7 y 8 of November 2009: DOBLE BEST IN SHOW in junior cattegory (best of all males and females between 3-6 months)
- Barcelona 3 of October 2009: BEST IN SHOW in junior cattegory (best of all males between 3-6 meses)

Escalibur of Ramazan
Propiedad Roberto of Madrid

Escalibur of Ramazan
Propiedad Roberto of Madrid
Capuccina of Ramazan (brown marble, title European Champion):
She has received her title European Champion at her 12 years of age.
World Competition Calella 14 October 2012: 1 POINT more for the title World Champion
Valladolid 27 of February 2012:1 POINT more for European Champion and voted BEST IN SHOW of short hair breeds, she has been 4th BEST OF BEST.
Valladolid 26 of February 2012: 1 POINT for European Champion and Nominated for Best in Show.
World CompetitionMadrid 5-6 Nov 2011: The 5 of November. 1 POINT for European Champion and Nominated for Best in Show. The 6 of November. 1 POINT and received the title of European Champion and Best in Show of short hair breeds.

Capuccina of Ramazan
Propiedad Roberto of Madrid